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Ballet uniform
Buy as you grow

In order to take a more sustainable and economical approach to ballet uniform,

we run on a buy as you grow basis. 
Step 1 Start your child in a uniform colour accepted in their current level 

Step 2 Children wear the same uniform until they grow out of it

Step 3 Sell your preloved dance uniform on the uniform swap group

Step 4 Get the next colour â€‹â€‹

All our dance uniforms are available to purchase at Dancewell on Cotham Hill.

We ask that the correct brand (Roch Valley), fabric (Microfibre) and style is respected. 


Ballet Minis and Ballet Primary 

Roch Valley Charlotte Microfibre skirted leotard in pink.

To be worn with ballet socks and shoes. 

This should also be worn for Tap and Ballet Minis and Tap and Ballet Primary.


Ballet Primary 

Roch Valley Beatrice Microfibre leotard in lilac.

Roch Valley Mathilda wrap over skirt in lilac.

To be worn with ballet socks and shoes.

This can also be worn for Tap and Ballet Primary.  

Girls Ballet uniform


Ballet Grade 1 and 2 

Roch Valley Beatrice Microfibre leotard in lilac.

To be worn with ballet tights and ballet shoes. 

For all grades, ballet cross over cardigan can be pink, lilac, white or navy blue.

We also have branded navy cross over cardigan available. 


Ballet Grade 2 and 3

Roch Valley Elizabeth microfibre leotard in navy blue.

To be worn with ballet tights and ballet shoes. 

Optional: Rock Valley navy Blue wrap over skirt. 

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Ballet Minis and Ballet Primary 

Rock Valley white cotton cup sleeve leotard.

Navy Blue shorts.

To be worn with white ballet shoes and socks. 


Grade 1 - 3

Roch Valley white cup sleeve leotard. 

Navy Blue ballet leggings. 

To be worn with white socks and black ballet shoes.


Boys Ballet Uniform

Tap, Jazz and Contemporary
Dance Uniform 


Momentum Dance School T- Shirt

For Tap, Jazz and Contemporary dance classes, children must wear a dance school T-shirt with shorts, trousers or leggings (preferably black).

T-shirts are £15 and available to purchase at the Studio.

For Tap, children must wear black tap shoes.

For Jazz and Contemporary, children should dance barefoot. 

There is no set uniform for dance minis however they are welcome to wear a Momentum T-shirt too.


For Ballet, hair must be completely pulled back, away from the face and for girls, worn in a classical ballet bun.

You will need: A strong hair tie, a hair net and

U shape pins. 


For all other styles, long hair should be up.

This can be any style as long as it is secure and pulled back away from the face. 

(Ponytail, pigtails, plates etc ...)


Children with short hair can wear an Alice band or use clips to secure hair. 

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